Socrate Platinum offers an efficient tool to organize, automate, and synchronize business processes related principally to pre-sales activities. A record is logged for each prospective client. A copy of this record can be dropped into a set if files. Records can be sorted depending on a set of criteria.
Each user is assigned a mailbox protected by his own password. Each record can be sent to one or many users of the software. “To do” list is available for each user or file. Moreover, the usage of this CRM Pre-Sales module can be extended to other activites such as follow-up on tasks, memos etc...


✔ Manages leads, prospects and clients.
✔ Manages opportunities.
✔ Manages campaign.
✔ Multiple categories of records (visits, offers, requests, sales orders)...
✔ Complete history on customer’s follo-up during the presales job.

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✔ To Do List.
✔ Up to 99 levels of priority.
✔ Automatic link to other scanned documents, or software in Excel, Word ...
✔ Electronic archiving systems of documents.

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